Housing Overview







Housing at the Heart of Communities

Delivering new and adapted healthcare properties, creating societal change that enable people to reside within a community setting, receive appropriate care and support, and gain greater personal independence.

The increasing demand for bespoke, community-centric, adapted housing, capable of providing a supportive environment for adults with long-term care needs (“supported housing”) is well documented.

The UK and individual European Governments project a 50%+ growth by 2030 for supported housing able to assist people with learning disability in addition to other demands. This unmet supply is projected to continue to increase significantly as populations and demographics grow. Significant capital investment is therefore needed to cater for this growing demand. 

Structural Need

Patient long-term institutional capital is now increasingly bridging the supply and demand imbalance to finance the delivery of new and adapted healthcare properties across the UK and Europe.

Environmental and Social Impact

Whilst social impact is at the heart of delivering measurable benefit for individuals and their families, equally relevant is our commitment to the delivery of energy-efficient spaces that support net zero targets where possible.

Supporting Public Policy

Backed by the UN Charter and individual policy acts, governments have provided unbroken financial support for the policy of community living for those individuals with long-term care needs. High-quality homes that are funded entirely by the private sector receive government funding for rental income and for the management of buildings.